Tuesday, May 29, 2007

To cat or not to cat

We had a new loveseat delivered today, and they took the old one away. We bought new living room furniture (couch, loveseat, chair) when we moved into the new place, and I discovered one day that the back of the loveseat inside was wrecked. Since it's under warranty, I called the Company Named After A Piece of Masonry and they sent out their repair tech. He gave me the option of them taking away the loveseat, fixing it, and bringing it back 2 - 3 weeks later, or just exchanging it for a new one.

Gee, that was a hard decision.

So today we got our new loveseat. Which is fantastic, because, despite my best efforts, the cats have been using portions of the couch and loveseat as a scratch post. Despite having a scratchpost next to each piece of furniture. Sigh. The loveseat was the most wrecked (and it wasn't overly noticeable if you don't live in our house and aren't obsessive compulsive) but Muffin was rather pissed off about. So new loveseat = less pissed off Muffin.

Now hopefully the cats leave the new one alone. He wants to get them declawed, I absolutely refuse. I have heard of those plastic caps for kitties' claws - anyone have any personal experience with those? I tried buying that "this stuff is supposed to stink and keep the cats away" stuff, but it didn't work. Covering the corners with aluminum foil worked (they only scratch at the corners) but really, who wants aluminim foil over their couch corners 90% of the time?

May long weekend camping was fabulous - ridiculously busy, but fabulous. I again leave you with a precious picture of my baby and his momma.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Roughing It

I have to say, as much as I love my boyfriend, having a break this weekend was nice! I was able to catch up on the housework, take my precious puppy for more than a few leisurely walks, spend some time cleaning my car, and just take it easy. Saturday night I also went out for dinner with a girlfriend, that was a lot of fun. I do think that breaks are important, especially when you're at the point of wanting to kill each other. Last night we went out together for ice cream, and it was a lot of fun so thanks for that baby. :)

We are going camping this weekend, leaving Thursday right after work! 4 nights / 5 days of magical campingness, I'm rather excited for that!! It'll be Chevy's first camping trip, he's going to have so much to smell and explore, hehe. We're going with some friends of mine from the Coast, I'm really looking forward to seeing them. Camping wahoo!

I now leave you with another cute picture of one tired out puppy dog:

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Goddamn Canucks. Deep down I did know they were going to lose to Anaheim, so there was really no surprise, but it was so exciting that they were in the second round. I think overall they put forth a good effort, and I'm excited for next hockey season.

The Boyfriend is going camping with a buddy this weekend, so I get the house all to myself (and the puppy!). I am really looking forward to it, because I have been feeling so overwhelmed by life lately. It seems like my "to do" list just keeps getting longer and longer, and I can't get a grasp on it, and I hate it. I feel like there is no end, and I just feel stressed about it in general. Plus, I'm stressing about money, the lack of which I have no control over, and it is making me very short-tempered and irritable, and is seriously fucking up my sleep schedule. I am hoping to get caught up on everything this weekend, have some serious "me" time, and get myself back into a positive space. Life is so overwhelming sometimes.

In happier notes, is this not the cutest picture ever:

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Not so smug now...

Well, we'll see how they do tonight. I may be buying a Dad Gone Mad tshirt tomorrow. Sigh. Stupid 'nucks. Damn ducks.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Bring It!

In the interests of friendly hockey wagering, I have agreed that if the Vancouver Canucks lose the series to the Anaheim Ducks (hah! as if) I will buy one of Dad Gone Mad's tshirts.

In the almost certain event that the Ducks lose, he will send me one free.

I love free stuff.