Tuesday, February 20, 2007

SAD, or why I'm glad winter is nearly over!

The last few days the sun has been out more and more, and the temperature has been reaching 10 degrees. It is so nice! We've been able to clean up the patio, put out the patio furniture, and now we're on the hunt for a barbeque! I can't wait for the summer, being able to sit outside and have a beverage at night is going to marvellous, ditto the barbequing on the deck. It is also nice to be able to walk outside and not feel instantly frozen. Also, we've started doing cardio for 30 mins at the gym on our lunch hours - what a difference a bit of physical activity makes. WOOT.

*Disclaimer: Yes, I know it isn't all that cold in BC. However, I have lived on the Praries for 2 winters and therefore I feel I have paid my dues, and yes, I do know what it is like to live somewhere where it reaches -40 for days at a time. Therefore, I feel entitled to bitch about the weather dipping below zero. Hah!

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